universal machine 

Skills: C, Object-Oriented Programming, program optimization, unit-testing, bitwise operations 

Our process for designing and implementing the universal machine program is described below...

Firstly, we create a visual representation of our overarching architecture plan for the program:

Now, we break down each file/module by describing the general purpose of the module and then describing the functions [function contract; function declaration] each module will need:

In_out_device       [click to expand]

In_out_device uses stdin and stdout, performs input and output on unsigned 8-bit chars (1 byte).

It holds two public functions responsible for reading 8-bit characters from stdin and printing 8-bit characters to stdout.

/********** read_byte ********

 * Takes a unsigned 8-bit character from stdin and returns it

 * Inputs: Nothing

 * Returns: unsigned 8 bit character


char readbyte(FILE *input_stream)

/********** print_byte ********

 * prints out given unsigned 8-bit character to stdout

 * Inputs:

 *         int output: the 8-but character to output 

 * Returns: Nothing


void printbyte(int output)

Operation       [click to expand]

Holds the registers, which is declared as an array of size 8 containing uint32_t words. Contains implementations of all instruction functions. Certain instructions will add to, remove from or otherwise modify the address space.

/********** run_program ********

 * Keeps track of the program counter and calls functions to 

 *     run each instruction

 * Inputs:

 *         Seq_t address_space: the virtual address space for the 

 *                              program to use

 * Returns: Nothing


void run_program(AddressSpace_T address_space)

Um       [click to expand]

Holds the main function responsible for calling all other functions. Initializes the address space. Uses I/O interface to read instructions as 32-bit words and store them in m[0] of address space. Then calls run_program in Operation and sends in the address space.

/********** main ********

 * takes in command line arguments, calls appropriate functions to read    

 * program and subsequently run machine

 * Inputs: 

 * argc: number of inputs to command line

 * argv: an array of command line arguments

 * Returns: EXIT_FAILURE if command line argument not valid


int main(argc, *argv[])

/********** read_program ********

 * Uses I/O interface to read all instructions in stdin and store them in m[0] 

 * of a initialized address space

 * Inputs: Nothing     

 * Returns: Struct AddressSpace_T address_space: the address space of the 

 *           memory


void read_program(*Seq_t Address_Space)

Address_space (warning! this one has many components!)       [click to expand]

AddressSpace: A struct of a Hanson Sequence, int seq_capacity and int curr_elems. The sequence will store pointers to UArrays. UArray is the memory segment containing the 32-bit instructions. Each memory segment (Uarray) has a corresponding 32-bit identifier, which corresponds to the index of the segment in the sequence. 

The identifiers for previously used and currently unmapped segments are stored in a Hanson Sequence. When a new segment needs to be mapped, the program will first check for a used identifier to reuse, if one is not available the program will create a new identifier.

/********** intialize_space ********

 * Initializes the address space which will be used to store addresses made of 

 * memory segments that hold instructions

 * Inputs:

 *     int file_size: the size of the input file with the instructions

 * Returns: the AddressSpace struct 

 * Expects: the address sequence and UArray of instructions not to be NULL


S *initialize_space(int file_length)

/********** get_instruction ********

 * gets the instruction at segment 0

 * Inputs:

 *       uint32_t prog_count: the program counter, 

 *              tells us where we are in the program

 *          S as: the AddressSpace struct

 * Returns: the instruction at the given index


uint32_t get_instruction(int prog_count, S as)

/********** put_instruction ********

 * puts an instruction at given index in segment 0

 * Inputs:

 *       uint32_t word: the instruction to be put in the segment

 *          uint32_t index: the index where the instruction is to be put

 *          S as: the AddressSpace struct

 * Returns: - 


void put_instruction(uint32_t word, int prog_count, S as)

/********** get ********

 * gets the given instruction at a given offset, in  a given segment

 * Inputs:

 *       uint32_t segment: the segment from which the instruction is 

 *                              to be retrieved from

 *          uint32_t offset: the index where the instruction exists

 *          S as: the AddressSpace struct

 * Returns: the desired instruction

 * Notes:

 * If the memory segment specified is out of bounds or unmapped,

 * the program will fail


get(int segment, int offset, S as)

/********** put ********

 * Updates the element at the specified offset in the specified segment of the 

 * given AddressSpace struct with the provided word.

 * Inputs:

 *     uint32_t segment: The index of the segment in the AddressSpace 

 *     struct

 *         int offset: The offset within the segment where the word will be

 * stored.

 *         uint32_t word: The word to be stored in the specified location.

 *         S as: The AddressSpace struct containing the segment to be updated.

 * Returns: Nothing

 * Notes:

 * If the memory segment specified is out of bounds or unmapped, 

 * the program will fail


put(int segment, int offset, uint32_t word, S as)

/********** free_address_space ********

* Frees the memory allocated for the AddressSpace structure and all its mapped * elements.

* Inputs:

*            S *as: A pointer to the AddressSpace struct to be freed.

* Returns: Nothing

* Notes:     

*     - Frees the memory associated with each mapped element in the 

*   AddressSpace struct

*     - Frees the memory associated with the sequence of mapped elements and 

*   available IDs.

*     - Frees the memory associated with the AddressSpace struct


void free_address_space(S *as)

/********** map ********

* Maps a new memory segment in the address space, returning the index at which * the element is mapped. If available, reuses an ID from the sequence of 

* available IDs; otherwise, assigns a new ID.

* Inputs:

*         int size: The size of the new element to be mapped.

*         S as: The AddressSpace struct in which the new element will be 

*     mapped.

* Returns:  uint32_t containing the index/indentfier  at which the element is 

*       mapped.


uint32_t map(int size, S as)

/********** unmap ********

* Unmaps a memory segment at the specified index in the address space, freeing

* the memory associated with the element.

* Inputs:

*         uint32_t index: The index of the element to be unmapped.

*         S as: The AddressSpace struct containing the elements to be 

*     unmapped.

* Returns: Nothing 

* Notes: if the memory segment being free'd is m[0] or is already unmapped,

*         the program will fail


void unmap(uint32_t index, S as)

/********** load_program ********

 * Loads memory segemnt at index into segment 0

 * Inputs:

 *         uint32_t index: The index of the new program

 *         S as: The AddressSpace struct where the new program 

 *              will be taken from

 * Returns: Nothing 

 * Note: the memory segment being loaded can be of size 0


void load_program(uint32_t index, S as)

Next, we describe our implementation and testing plan below:        [click to expand]

Because the AddressSpace module has so many functions and moving parts, we came up with additional tests for AddressSpace:        [click to expand]

AddressSpace testing:

Will create temp helper function: address_size, address_capacity, segment_size(index) for testing purposes